You made it to the weekend! High fives all around!
Praying that you MAKE time to refresh your soul this weekend. Did you notice I said make and not find? If you don’t make it happen, then it won’t and you will roll into next week still weary from this week and the ones that preceded it. Here are some thoughts on refreshing your soul from the book Finding Spiritual Whitespace by Bonnie Gray that I’ve been yammering on about…
God’s word is living, translated from the Greek word zao. Zao means fresh. Soul conversation with God happens when we refresh our souls. What awakens your soul? What refreshes you?
The love notes God sends us are also active. Those sparks – moments that we are touched – can happen anytime. Spending time immersed in things that move us, whether films, books, art, decorating, journaling, or nature, injects energy and new ideas into our conversations with God.
Many times we tell ourselves quiet time with God must happen at the same time, for a specific duration, and at the same place in order for it “to count.” Yet Jesus whispers –
Don’t worry how long we have. A moment is forever in eternity. Let me send you a word. In ways that speak to you. Ways that prompt your heart. To let you know. I’m thinking of you. I love you. I am at home with you.
Confession: I do not like going to Disney. I DO like Robert’s video about taking his family to Disney. I feel your pain Robert.
Friends, there are so many products that I’m finding beautiful and delightful that I can hardly keep myself from telling you about them all at once. This particular item is on my wishlist. I don’t have one yet but I would sure love to own one.
This bag is so fantabulous that it has a whole video on how you can use it and fill it up. This bag is part of the Kelly Moore line and is called Libby. You can find it in a glorious array of colors HERE. Stop the madness! Pricey…yes…but the Pioneer Woman has assured her millions of followers that it’s worth it. I’m dreaming of slinging this over my shoulder someday.
My Yummy Stuff Board on Pinterest has 579 pins. There are wonderfully delicious recipes on there and most of them have never been tried…until now. I have decided to start making some of the yummies that I look at and scroll past because they just don’t fit the occasion. I decided for 2015 that yummy goodness fits any occasion and I’m going to start making food that I’ve been drooling over. I bought the ingredients to make Lasagna dip this week.
I’m pretty sure there are no calories in the dip or the little crunchy bread bites you dip in it, so just enjoy yourself. You will find the recipe on Closet Cooking. I will let you know how it turns out OR if you get it made before I do then let me know…mmmkay?